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5 EPK Or Press Kit Mistakes That Are Cringe Worthy

1. Too much clutter. Less is more. I specialize in one page EPK designs and one challenge I welcome is trying to sum up your brand using the least amount of content. Here's one example. If you have a long ass bio, (first of all ain't nobody fittin to read all that but more on how to write your bio in a later blog) feature a few lines of your bio on your website and then create a link for visitors to download a file and read the full bio. Another example is if you have a bunch of pictures consider using a slider so that we can click an arrow to see all your pics. Also make good use of links so that we can skip down your page to find what we need faster. Making little adjustments like this will save your site visitors from scrolling forever down your page to find what they're looking for. Keep it clean and organized and make sure your content is interesting. I'll be posting more on all of this at a later date but if you need to know right away just hit me up! My info is towards the bottom of this blog post.

2. A domain name that makes no sense. It should be No extra dots, no dash, no numbers unless the numbers are part of your brand name...none of that. That's tacky. Surely you are creative enough to come up with a brand name that works. Even if it's already taken. Play around with it and come up with something else. For example, Sallyb is taken so I could try using SallybMusic, OfficialSallyb, SallybOfficial, TheRealSallyb, SallybEntertainment, SallybSings, SallybTheBlogger....or something like that. Also no domains with LONG ass names. My birth name is SallyLyndeliaBookerWaller. I could use that but ain't nobody gonna feel like typing all that. One more thing. I know some of ya'll try to be creative by changing the spelling of a real word or part of your name. For example my original domain was called (A play on the word "vocals" but with a z) but people never got the spelling right so that's still my business name but my website is It's memorable, it fits my brand, it's interesting because I don't actually sing flat lol (Well not all the time 😁) Last thing about domains you should know is that .com is most popular. The second best option is .net (I was a .net for awhile). Avoid .org because that's usually reserved for non-profit organizations. If you can come up with a great name to match your brand and .com is available that's perfect. I recommend getting a matching email too if possible. So to sum this up you need a domain that people can remember and spell and it must feel like your brand. At the end of the day it's not about you it's about people being able to find you so please make it easy for them.

3. If I'm confused when I reach your HOME PAGE because apparently you don't know what you're selling, I’m not sticking around to see anything else. I mean are you the jack of all trades and the master of none? If you have a long ass list of things you do well try to summarize it into a short name or phrase that let's people know they are in the right place. Mine is "SingingFlat with Sally b. Music & Blogs" You'll know exactly where you are and what you can expect when you land on my home page. Depending on your brand you'll have a professional picture of yourself or of something that makes since and the colors will be consistent with your brand. Some may wish to open their page with a video. That's cool too.

4. Nothing annoys me more that when you have a professional photo of yourself covered with words and other content. I kinda get the style you're going for but you need to learn how to do it in a way that compliments your design as a whole. While we're talking about words, please be sure you are not using too may fonts and make sure the fonts you are using are legible. Also test the fonts out on the background you're planning to use because for example if the background is dark blue and you are using black letters that probably won't work unless you use a special effect on the letters. More on that another time.

5. Oh my goodness. I've got like 20 more things I can add to this list but since I said I'd present just 5 hmmmm....okay I got one! Make sure you create a site that is viewable from a mobile phone and from a desktop. I get paid to create two sites per job all for one low price. After I create the desktop version, I then have to go organize the content so that it presents itself well from a mobile phone too. Check out my most recent work from a mobile and then from a desktop:,,,,

It's worth saying that pretty much anybody can use web design tools to create their EPK. The problem is some of you lack the time. Some of you lack the knowledge, energy or even the creativity to design a professional artist press kit aka EPK that will impress potential talent buyers and fans. I don't use generic templates. I will listen to you. I will suggest ideas that are specific to your brand. I will bring your vision to life, offering my professional music industry guidance along the way. I'll help you set up your SEO settings so that you are found in google searches and when I'm done I won't leave you hanging. I'm here for you. No pressure and no ridiculous contracts and I can be hired for just a fraction of what the others charge. It's my way of supporting artists. I built my first website back in 2004 before Electronic Press Kits (EPK) were even a thing. Let me help you. I'll have you looking like the STAR YOU ARE!

If you'd like to set up a FREE artist mentoring session to discuss your EPK click the pic below! I do accept TIPS and if you are happy with your first experience with me, please kindly email your review or your testimonial to I'll also be offering periodic EPK and Press Kit audits on social media (IG and FB) so keep your eyes peeled and follow me on IG @SingingFlat. I'm also on ClubHouse @ClubSallyb. Yours in music! - sb

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